How To Increase Natural Light In Your Home

There are many benefits to increasing natural light in your home and dark rooms. It’s surprisingly becoming one of the top key features sought out by potential homebuyers. So, to say there’s something to it is an understatement.

If you think that adding an increase of light to your home will take a full renovation like knocking down walls or adding windows, think again. There are several foolproof tricks and simple ways to give your home (or a single room) the boost in light you desire.


How to Get More Natural Light in Your Room

Let’s talk about getting more natural light in your room that already has a window or two.

First, look at the type of curtains you have hanging. Are they light deflectors? Are they dark in color?

Consider exchanging heavy, dark curtains with a pair of sheers and a light shade panel to help spread sunshine throughout the room.

Next, take a look at your floor. If possible, upgrade dark wood with a lighter color.

If you have carpet, it could get costly replacing it; so, instead, opt for a bright throw rug. Now would be the time to go bright and bold.

Speaking of which, consider a new color palette to naturally lift the light of a room.

Thinking back to what we learned in art class, colors have the ability to absorb or reflect light. Go for colors like white, cream, beige, or light grey. These colors will act as a mirror and bounce light around the room.

If you’re working on a room that has a door, do a swap and add a door with windows. Then, you can choose to add some sheer curtains or leave it bare.

Colorful Throw Pillow Cushions

Another way to get more natural light in your room is by bringing in new furniture and accessories. Maintain the flow of creating a bright space by choosing bright colored sofas and/or loveseats and complimenting them with smaller pieces that pop in color.

How to Get More Natural Light Into a Room Without a Window

Looking to add more natural light to a room without a window? Try these following practical tips:

  • Add mirrors. Hanging mirrors will increase the amount of light due to its reflecting properties.
  • Add shiny objects. Metallic fixtures, silver picture frames, and furniture with chrome accents will also help bounce light around the room.
  • Add recessed lighting. Brighten a dark room with lighting that is installed across a room.

Hanging Strap Wall Mirror

While considering adding more “artificial” light to a dark room, keep any and all lampshades light.

Adding more lamps or light fixtures but then covering them with darker shades would defeat the purpose of brightening the room. Opt for white or off-white lamp shades.

Ceramic Geometric Cut Out Lamp

Another idea for brightening a dark room is to create an illusion.

Use one bright colored wall to place a nice sized picture of the outdoors. Then use recessed lighting to add a row of lights right above a panel of curtains that would initially stretch all the way across the wall.   

How To Brighten a Room Through Decorative Changes

Whether a room has windows or not, you can brighten it even more through decorative changes.

One decorative change that is relatively easy to tweak and add is using high-gloss paint instead of a matte or flat finish.

The ceiling is the perfect spot to experiment with this finish type. A glossy ceiling will reflect light while adding an overall unique touch to a room.

Adding vibrant artwork will elevate the look and mood of any space. If you are attempting to brighten a dark room that has a dark wall color, flooring, or furniture, try adding a piece of art with bold and popping colors. 

In kitchens and bathrooms, using highly reflective backsplash and tiles will instantly increase the natural lighting.

Not only is this trendy but there are endless material choices available. You can easily find pieces to match your decor or use your new upgrade as the starting point for redecorating overall.

When looking into purchasing tiles, consider getting glass ones as they are stain and mold resistant, as well as better for the environment. 

One decorative change you may not have considered is actually opting in for less decor.

Sometimes adding a simple piece of artwork on the wall will suffice. It will also allow the walls to look less cluttered and give the room a more open and brighter appearance.

Lighting Solutions for Dark Rooms 

When it comes to adding lighting solutions to dark rooms, you have every right to be picky to ensure what you’re doing will get the job done.

If you have lamps, overhead lights, and the like – consider using brighter light bulbs. This will add an instant boost of bright light.

When you’re in the market for the perfect lightbulb, you can’t go wrong with sticking around the 50-watt range with frosted glass. Keep in mind that the more lumens you add, the brighter the light will be. 

If you’re adding a lamp, consider opting in for a lamp or lampstand with a cluster of lights. The same rule applies when adding lightbulbs. For smaller clusters you can use smaller bulbs with a milky glass.

Getting Started With Adding Natural Light to Your Home or Dark Room

As with any home improvement project, you don’t want to jump in without a plan. Before getting started, create a plan of actionable tasks.

Start with writing down your ideas of how you’d like to use the space. Will it stay somewhat the same or change completely? Jot down your overall idea for the room.

Next, consider what needs to be done to make your ideas a reality.

Perhaps you need to start with decluttering. Maybe you want to downsize or add to. Whatever you have in mind, put it on paper.

Don’t forget to note what you need to do, such as “make a donation pile” or “things to keep and reuse.” This will come in handy later.

Once you have an idea of what you want to do with the space, plus how you will start the process, continue brainstorming about how you will increase the light.

Will you need to purchase extra light fixtures? Will you need to add furniture?

With these in mind, you can think about where you’ll buy your supplies. Thrift stores and antique shops are two places to shop for some items you may need.

As you make your list, set a completion goal so you can have a finished room without much delay. Use your list to stay on task and keep yourself from overspending or finishing with a result you don’t like. 

CHIME IN: Have you increased the natural light in your home? Share some ways you did so in the comments below!

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